Tuesday 2 October 2007

Wherever you go, whatever you do, hotness will be right here waiting for you...

So I am finally back on track my luvvies. If there is one thing we can learn from Demi Moore (besides the surprising fact that children do not necessarily accurately represent the gene pool from which they originate), it is that despite age, you can take an ugly break and STILL reclaim hotness with a vengeance!

So consider me the Rambo of hotness. I’m going in, not taking any prisoners, and have difficulty with annunciation.

So I’m finding it much easier now that I am veganising it. I forgot how good it feels to eat vegan food. But I’m not really a vegan. I’m a flexitarian- so I eat dairy or meat in social situations where exclusively vegan food cannot be procured without royally pissing someone off. I know that’s like claiming to be a virgin while sleeping with people when they’ve bought you a lobster dinner, but that’s that. Shut up and stop judging!

Somehow I am getting up at 6:10 am every morning to work out on the cross trainer. I do it watching Jerry Springer. Makes the time go by fast, although I am constantly adjusting the volume between explanation-fight-yelling-fight-Jerry takes it down a notch-fight-scream. It sucks because the poles keep knocking my arm as I press the buttons on the remote.

I cannot decide if my Boots defy-the-ageing-moisturisers are working. Does it matter when the skin above the knees is sagging and therefore is a dead giveaway?

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